5 The Phase Separation Binary Classifier: where to read more about it

There are quite a few places that you can read more about the Phase Separation Binary Classifier (PSBC), and also see further examples.

  • I have posted a paper with all the mathematics behind the model. It is quite self contained. There is a preprint currently available on arXiv at https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.02467.

  • All the data is available at (Monteiro 2020b).

  • There are many other examples of usage in the jupyter-notebooks:

In order to keep things short I didn’t explain how callbacks are used in order to save validation data statistics. This was necessary because the keras/tensorflow API does not support this feature in “non-standard” models, like ours. If you want to see how this is done, please check both files tf_PSBC_extra_libs_for_training_and_grid_search.py and tfversion_binary_phase_separation.py at (Monteiro 2020a).


Monteiro, Rafael. 2020a. “Source Code for the Paper ‘Binary Classification as a Phase Separation Process’.” GitHub Repository. https://github.com/rafael-a-monteiro-math/Binary_classification_phase_separation; GitHub.

Monteiro, Rafael. 2020b. “Binary Classification as a Phase Separation Process (data repository).” Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5525794.